
Ldo. Juan Antonio Iranzo
Academic qualifications
- University of Zaragoza. Law degree 1980-1985.
- University of Zaragoza. School of Legal Practice and Internship 2 years.
- Various courses and seminars throughout each year on various legal subjects, particularly Civil Liability, Insurance Law, Social Security, and Financial and Banking Law.
Professional experience
Law practice
- 1987/1995 - Family office Iranzo Abogados - Zaragoza.
- 1997/2000 - Ernst & Young Lawyers and Auditors - Zaragoza.
- 2000/-2008 - Iranzo Abogados - Zaragoza.
- 2009 - [SI02] Lawyers and Economists - Zaragoza.
- 2020 - Pajares & Asociados - Zaragoza.
- Member No. 2229, since 1987, in the R. e I. College of Lawyers of Zaragoza, providing services in the aforementioned Professional Offices.
- External Legal Advisor to an important Banking Entity in this Community, as well as to several Insurance Companies and a Work Accident Mutual, as well as to various commercial companies.
- Preference for fields: commercial, administrative and civil law, with special knowledge of Bankruptcy Law, Banking Law, Corporate Law, Administrative and Sanctioning Law, Corporate Criminal Law, Traffic Law, Civil Liability and Insurance Law, and Labor and Social Security Law.
- Member of the REICAZ Liability and Insurance, Labor Law, Banking Law, and Administrative Law Sections.
- Member of various Professional Associations related to the Legal profession.
Additional professional activities
- Member of the Governing Board of the R. e I. College of Lawyers of Zaragoza 1994-1999.
- Since 1995 University of Zaragoza. Professor of the School of Legal Practice at the Faculty of Law.
- Since 1995 R. e I. College of Lawyers of Zaragoza. Professor at the Training Center.
- Since 2000 R. e I. College of Lawyers of Zaragoza. Professor of the Master of Law.
- Since 1995 Member of the Board of Directors of various companies and corporations, mainly as Secretary of the Board, performing for all of them tasks related to the
- Secretary, as well as Legal Advisory.
- Arbitrator of the Aragonese Court of Arbitration and Mediation.
© Cremades& Calvo-Sotelo - C/ Paseo Independencia 21 , 1º Centro, 50001, Zaragoza, España - (+34) 976 233 383 -